Keep up to date with the latest McCartneys news
Tue 8 May 2018
Tuesday 8th May and Thursday 10th May 2018
McCartneys report a good entry of store cattle at Kington on Tuesday 8th May 2018 for their May sale.
We had a good entry of younger farming cattle again which sold to a strong trade with a number of buyers looking for cattle to graze.
There was a good contingent of buyers looking for all types of cattle and we achieved a 100% clearance. The store cattle trade continues to remain firm on all types and particularly the better confirmation types. The ages of the cattle ranged from 12 to 25 months and weights from 380kg to 550kg.
The well-bred and good confirmation cattle which were farm assured and would hit supermarket specs sold to premium prices and these sold up to £2.50ppk for 15 month old Charolais x steers from Messrs Hammond which made £1110. The cattle sold upto £1130 per head for some 13 month old Charolais x steers from TJ & S Croose.
The supermarket spec cattle sold to premium prices with an excellent trade throughout the sale on all sorts.