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Not just anybody can be an Estate Agent and nor a Teacher for that matter

Fri 16 October 2015

Hay-on-Wye Primary School infants made a visit to our Hay Office earlier this week to discover what our job was all about.

It was lovely, if quite intimidating, to see over 20 earnest smiling young faces looking up as I tried to say something that a 4 year old could relate to. 

We had brilliant help (fortunately) from Hannah James in the office who made each of the children a lapel sticker saying “I’ve been to McCartneys Estate Agents” she also gave them loads of old details of houses that we had sold in Hay over the past year or two. 

We did a little mock auction, talked about cattle, sheep and pigs, showed them a McCartneys calendar with photographs of all that we do, examined a For Sale board and explained what it was for. 

We ran a competition to spot a bungalow, a house with a pond in front, a farm, a shop, and much more from the displays around the room. Our Q and A session was dominated by how many bedrooms their own houses had and they went away promising to turn their school Wendy House into a mock Estate Agents office complete with McCartneys details, old Rural matters, booklets, etc. 

Good fun had by all and it was a firm reminder of why I’m glad I’m not a school teacher! It was like trying to herd bees!

Ryan Williams
Hay-on-Wye Office

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